Dementia studies

Find out about some of the wide-ranging types of studies available via the Join Dementia Research service.

Driving and dementia: share your experience

4 July 2019

Man driving car

Help researchers to improve the guidance and support around driving after a dementia diagnosis by taking part in a survey to share your experience.

Help dementia research from home

26 February 2019

Senior lady talking on the phone

Not all research takes place in a lab. Many different types of study are vital to understanding dementia, so there are often ways you can help out from the comfort of your own home. Surveys, questionnaires and online activities give scientists the knowledge they need to improve dementia care and treatments. The Bristol study One […]

What’s that study? Investigating thinking and emotional regulation styles in older adults

18 February 2019

Laptop with the Join Dementia Research logo on the screen

We spoke to Anne-Marie Greenaway, PHD student at the University of Reading, who is leading a study to investigate the emotional wellbeing of people living with dementia. When someone experiences a low mood, it makes it more difficult to complete everyday tasks. Low mood increases the level of cognitive impairment in people living with dementia. As approximately half the number of […]

New research to provide virtual support for people with rare dementias

11 January 2019

Elderly couple using tablet computer at home

A version of this article first appeared on the NIHR website. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) are creating a new online support network for people with young onset and rare dementias. The project was announced as part of a new £15 million research initiative to […]