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Developing scan technology for more accurate data about Alzheimer’s disease

4 November 2021

Patient lying down for a PET scan

Although Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia in the UK, the exact cause is not yet fully understood. With the exception of Aducanumab – which was recently approved for use in the U.S – most current treatments offer partial improvement in symptoms rather than helping to slow down the progression of the […]

Lewy body dementia studies currently recruiting participants

29 October 2021

October marks Lewy body dementia awareness month. The condition – sometimes called dementia with Lewy bodies – is one of the most common forms of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, yet surprisingly little is known about it. When someone develops this type of dementia, protein deposits called Lewy bodies develop in the brain […]

#PassItOn about Join Dementia Research this World Alzheimer’s Month

1 September 2021

World Alzheimer Week Video Still

September is World Alzheimer’s Month and this time each year, people from around the world come together to raise awareness about dementia. September 2021 marks the tenth year of this important global awareness campaign. Rates of dementia are increasing; every three minutes, someone in the UK develops dementia. There are currently 850,000 people in the […]

A message from Professor Martin Rossor

26 August 2021

On 1 October 2021, I will be stepping down as NIHR National Director for Dementia Research. One of my roles was to set up the Join Dementia Research service, to facilitate those living with dementia, their carers and the public to engage in research and to support dementia researchers to recruit individuals into research. Over […]

Online studies open!

24 August 2021

Did you know that many of the studies on Join Dementia Research are open to anyone over 18 without a dementia diagnosis? These tend to be online studies, which can be done at home, at a time to suit you. Because these studies are keen to attract a large number of people they run for […]


16 August 2021

The beneficial aspects of listening to music such as calming anxiety, reducing stress and inducing a relaxing effect, are being tested in a new study for people living with dementia. The context As well as experiencing cognitive decline, people with dementia often also suffer from ‘neuropsychiatric symptoms’ such as depression, irritability, anxiety and hallucinations. In […]

Air pollution and dementia

29 July 2021

The possible link between air pollution and dementia has been a focus of several studies and at the recent US Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), the topic came to the fore again.  New findings Whilst previous reports have linked long-term air pollution exposure with accumulation of Alzheimer’s disease-related brain plaques, a series of new reports […]

New-look Join Dementia Research website

21 July 2021

Have you noticed a different look and feel to the Join Dementia Research website? We’ve listened to your feedback and as part of a programme of development, we’ve introduced a new streamlined homepage so that the information you need can be accessed more easily.  Key updates Dedicated areas for volunteers, carers and professionals help to […]

Now that COVID restrictions are gradually lifting, what’s next for dementia research?

15 June 2021

An opinion piece by Professor Alistair Burns,  National Clinical Director for Dementia at NHS England and Professor Martin Rossor, NIHR National Director for Dementia Research.   During the lockdowns, many of the activities that we know are good for our brain health such as socialising, exercising and other cultural experiences were made more difficult. This […]

Breakthrough Alzheimer’s drug approved in the US

8 June 2021

MRI brain scan images

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has this week approved the first drug since 2003 to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Aducanumab, created by US pharmaceutical company Biogen, is an antibody designed to target amyloid, a protein that builds up in the brains of people with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Whereas other existing treatments help […]