
How can virtual reality help with early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease?

7 March 2022

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia in the UK and the symptoms develop gradually over many years. Background The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease can progress slowly and many, such as getting more forgetful, can be attributed to ‘just getting older.’ This can make diagnosis more difficult and currently there is no single […]

How are COVID-19 closures affecting people with dementia and their carers?

21 April 2020

A carer and a person living with dementia sat outside on a bench

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, many of the face-to-face services people with dementia and their carers often rely on are temporarily closed. Researchers need your help to understand the impact of these closures on the wellbeing of people with dementia and their carers.

Dementia fears for former footballers

25 October 2019

Football on grass

A recent study has found that the risk of dying from neurodegenerative disease is almost 3.5 times higher for footballers. However research is at an early stage and there’s currently no suggestion that anyone should stop playing football. Regular physical activity – including football – is a good way to reduce the risk of dementia and conditions such as heart disease.

What’s that study? PREDICT-PD

21 October 2019

PREDICT-PD study logo

PREDICT-PD is a ground-breaking project using simple tests to identify people at higher risk of Parkinson’s disease before the symptoms appear.

Help shape future dementia treatments

21 August 2019

Graphic showing people participating in the survey, with the caption "Help shape future treatments"

Alzheimer’s Research UK have launched a new nationwide survey to help shape future treatments for dementia. The online survey needs everyone’s views on the aspects of daily life that are most important, and which you would most like to protect if you were to develop a disease that causes dementia. Take part today.

How does stigma impact people living with dementia?

30 July 2019

PHD student Jem Bhatt holds up a sign reading "Get involved in #dementia research"

Research supported by University College London is investigating how people living with dementia talk about their diagnosis to others. As part of this study, the team are inviting people with a primary diagnosis of dementia to share their experiences of stigma, by taking part in a questionnaire.

Driving and dementia: share your experience

4 July 2019

Man driving car

Help researchers to improve the guidance and support around driving after a dementia diagnosis by taking part in a survey to share your experience.

Eye test can pick up Alzheimer’s, study claims

13 March 2019

Close up of a human eye

This article has been reproduced from the NHS website. “Alzheimer’s disease can be spotted through simple eye test,” reports the Daily Telegraph. A new study has found that people with Alzheimer’s had fewer blood vessels and less blood flow in the retina (back of their eye). The Alzheimer-linked eye changes were detected by an eye test that uses […]

Help dementia research from home

26 February 2019

Senior lady talking on the phone

Not all research takes place in a lab. Many different types of study are vital to understanding dementia, so there are often ways you can help out from the comfort of your own home. Surveys, questionnaires and online activities give scientists the knowledge they need to improve dementia care and treatments. The Bristol study One […]

A blood test for Alzheimer’s remains a distant possibility, study suggests

24 January 2019

Blood test

This article has been reproduced from the NHS website. Researchers have developed a blood test that can predict your chances of getting Alzheimer’s, claim several media reports. But any suggestion of a major breakthrough is a little hasty. The research only involved people with a rare hereditary form of Alzheimer’s disease caused by genetic mutations (Dominantly […]

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