Research news

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Understanding attitudes towards dementia and research in the UK

7 February 2019

Dementia attitudes thumbnail

On Wednesday 6 February 2019, Alzheimer’s Research UK launched their Dementia Attitudes Monitor Report – an in-depth analysis of the UK’s attitudes towards dementia and research. Improving understanding and shaping attitudes towards dementia is crucial to make breakthroughs in research possible, so the Monitor, which surveyed 2,361 adults across the UK, is an essential tool. It will […]

Gum disease linked to Alzheimer’s, study claims

28 January 2019

False teeth with donuts and cakes

This article has been reproduced from the NHS website. “Gum disease bug could play ‘central role’ in development of Alzheimer’s,” The Independent reports. The causes of Alzheimer’s disease are still debated. Most scientists think it is likely to be down to a combination of factors, including your genes and lifestyle. But some believe it may be […]

A blood test for Alzheimer’s remains a distant possibility, study suggests

24 January 2019

Blood test

This article has been reproduced from the NHS website. Researchers have developed a blood test that can predict your chances of getting Alzheimer’s, claim several media reports. But any suggestion of a major breakthrough is a little hasty. The research only involved people with a rare hereditary form of Alzheimer’s disease caused by genetic mutations (Dominantly […]

‘Exercise hormone’ may play a role in combating Alzheimer’s disease

14 January 2019


This article has been reproduced from the NHS website. “An ‘exercise pill’ mimicking the effects of a gym workout could prevent Alzheimer’s disease,” the Daily Mirror reports. The “pill” is actually a reference to a protein called irisin. Irisin has been dubbed the “exercise hormone” because previous research found it’s released from muscles in response to […]