Can we predict Parkinson’s?
27 January 2022
Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition that leads to tremors, stiffness and difficulty with walking, as it can affect balance and coordination. Parkinson’s has more than 40 symptoms, both motor and non-motor, which usually begin gradually and get worse over time. Every hour, two more people are diagnosed. That’s the same as 18,000 people every […]
Remembering names through computer therapy
12 August 2019
The ‘Gotcha!’ study is trialling a fun computer-based therapy to help people with dementia remember the names of the people who are important to them.
Help dementia research from home
26 February 2019
Not all research takes place in a lab. Many different types of study are vital to understanding dementia, so there are often ways you can help out from the comfort of your own home. Surveys, questionnaires and online activities give scientists the knowledge they need to improve dementia care and treatments. The Bristol study One […]
What’s that study? Investigating thinking and emotional regulation styles in older adults
18 February 2019
We spoke to Anne-Marie Greenaway, PHD student at the University of Reading, who is leading a study to investigate the emotional wellbeing of people living with dementia. When someone experiences a low mood, it makes it more difficult to complete everyday tasks. Low mood increases the level of cognitive impairment in people living with dementia. As approximately half the number of […]