Remembering names through computer therapy
12 August 2019
The ‘Gotcha!’ study is trialling a fun computer-based therapy to help people with dementia remember the names of the people who are important to them.
Over 20,000 research participants recruited through Join Dementia Research
5 August 2019
We’re pleased to announce that over 20,000 study participants have been involved in vital research thanks to Join Dementia Research. We would like to sincerely thank all the volunteers, researchers, champions and partners who have given their time so far. If you haven’t already, please sign up, and if you have, please help us spread the word so we can bring more volunteers and researchers together.
Driving and dementia: share your experience
4 July 2019
Help researchers to improve the guidance and support around driving after a dementia diagnosis by taking part in a survey to share your experience.