16 August 2021
The beneficial aspects of listening to music such as calming anxiety, reducing stress and inducing a relaxing effect, are being tested in a new study for people living with dementia. The context As well as experiencing cognitive decline, people with dementia often also suffer from ‘neuropsychiatric symptoms’ such as depression, irritability, anxiety and hallucinations. In […]
PRESIDE A singing study!
12 May 2021
It is well documented that music and singing are beneficial to those living with dementia. Listening to or singing songs can provide both behavioural and emotional benefits and the power of music can unlock memories and help provide links to a person’s past and promote connection with carers. Researchers at Nottingham University are looking for […]
Study into making financial services dementia-friendly
23 March 2021
Dementia can impair the ability of the individual to manage their financial affairs. This means that they will require support from family members in ensuring good financial outcomes and protection. Often those living with dementia enter into a power of attorney agreement that empowers a named person to act on their behalf and assist them […]
New potential treatment for early-stage Alzheimer’s disease
3 March 2021
Alzheimer’s disease affects approximately 70% of people diagnosed with dementia, and an estimated 26 million people worldwide. In the very early stages, Alzheimer’s disease may be referred to or diagnosed as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). There are no available treatments to prevent or delay the start of Alzheimer’s disease and currently medications only provide a […]
Study aims to support independence at home for people with dementia
14 December 2020
Most people with dementia want to remain living in their own homes for as long as they can, this can be made possible through either paid or family carers. However, lack of dementia training for paid carers can cause the relationships to break down. For family carers, problems with behaviour and communication can often cause […]
Great British wellbeing survey
13 October 2020
Do you have dementia, or do you care for someone who does? Have the COVID-19 restrictions had an impact on your wellbeing? Researchers at the UK Dementia Research Institute at Imperial College London would like to hear about your experience of the current situation. They are keen to understand what measures can be taken to […]
COVID-19 dementia research receives strong support during lockdown
10 July 2020
Thanks to our amazing Join Dementia Research volunteers, during lockdown we have been able to continue recruiting participants to studies that don’t involve person-to-person contact. Thousands of you have taken part in important studies relating to COVID-19 and dementia.
SleepQuest: sleep and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
5 May 2020
Good sleep is critical for wellbeing – including dementia prevention and good mental health. But the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown is placing people under huge stress, which may disturb sleep. Disturbed sleep now may have an impact on current and future health for all, in particular those at risk of dementia. The SleepQuest study needs to hear about your experiences to understand the effect that the outbreak is having and create advice on how to manage sleep throughout this crisis and beyond.
How are COVID-19 closures affecting people with dementia and their carers?
21 April 2020
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, many of the face-to-face services people with dementia and their carers often rely on are temporarily closed. Researchers need your help to understand the impact of these closures on the wellbeing of people with dementia and their carers.
Remembering names through computer therapy
12 August 2019
The ‘Gotcha!’ study is trialling a fun computer-based therapy to help people with dementia remember the names of the people who are important to them.